
Monday, June 13, 2011

Tool #11

All the tools that i used are great. As per the situation, I can use a particular tool. Best thing is that if that tool does not work, I can always go back to my toolbox and grab another. Using stupeflix for movies, comix for a short comic strip, voki for text to speech tool. Edmodo is one site that I will try to use with my kids. To keep my bookmarks, symbaloo was great. Blinkx was good. I liked the tube chop and snip snip for cutting my video and getting just what I need. Google docs are great and I will try using them next year also.
I got a little head start on this. I was in a pilot program and had to change my way of teaching to include teaching these digital natives. It is a learning process and I am learning something new everyday. It is great to move to a facilitator position instead of a lecturer.
There are so many resources out there. I am just overwhelmed with all this. Will I be able to use all this and still be able to teach my subject also? Will I be able to keep up? I realized that making a blog was easy and having started my PLN, I will be able to get more ideas and help from everywhere.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Tool # 10


I like the way Diane has written about digital citizenship. I have added a link to her blog. She rocks!!!!

1. Discuss at least three things you would want to make sure your students understand about being good digital citizens. - I think the students need to be taught what is meant by digital citizenship. Also classroom discussion will be helpful. And lastly all resources need to be used, that is help from home will also play a role.
2. Share at least one of the resources mentioned above or on the Ed Tech website that you plan to use instructionally. - Vicki Davis's blog is a great resource.
3. Explain briefly how you would "teach" the idea of digital citizenship to your students & parents. - Classroom discussion, think pair and share and then we can share ideas using google docs. Parents on open house visit to the class would be a great time to talk to them about this topic. Also we can send a letter home too.http://digitalcitizenship.net/uploads/KidPledge1.pdf

4. Explain briefly how you plan to share the idea of digital citizenship with your parents.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Tool # 9

  1. Why do you think it is important to tie the technology to the objective?
  • It is very important to link the activity you are doing to the objective or else it would just be fun and games for the students. If we tell them the purpose then they will be able to relate.
  1. Why should we hold students accountable for the stations/centers?
  • If the student use the technology in the center/station then they will usually create. They have ownership for the product.
  1. Visit 2 of the applicable links to interactive websites for your content/grade level. Which sites did you like. How could you use them as stations? How can you hold the students accountable for their time in these stations?
  • I like Phet. It has a lot of interactive programs. There is Gizmos. Also if you lookup on the web you can find a lot of apps/sites.
  1. List two to three apps you found for the iPod Touch/iPad that you can use in your classroom. What do you see that station looking like? How can you hold the students accountable for their time in these stations?
  • Google Earth
  • National Geographic
  • Science 360
  • Science Glossary
  1. What about other ways to use the iPod Touch/iPad? Share another way you can see your students using the device as a station.
  • I attended a workshop at Teacher U. The instructor showed a lot of ways to use the ipod and ipad in the classroom. I really learnt a lot. These workshops were great.

Tool # 8

I already have technology in my classroom. I got it last school year during the second semester. I looked up and researched to set up a plan as to how to manage the devices in my class.
I had to set up rules as to how to use the technology. How the students need to follow directions. How to cooperate and collaborize using the devices.
Most important rule that I followed was count the devices at the end of every class period.

Tool # 7

I had not thought about reaching outside the classroom. After reading the blog, I am sure I can do that in my school with my team teachers. Once that is successful, I can venture out to other schools in our district. At a later time we can do the reaching out to a different world altogether. Awesome....

  1. Content objective - TSW learn about safety in a lab.
  2. When you plan to implement - Start of school
  3. What tool(s) you plan to use - Google Docs
  4. A brief description of the project (plan - two or three sentences) - Students will collaborate with students in the other classrooms and do a small project on safety in the lab. Students can use a web 2.0 tool to create and share using google docs.

Tool # 6

I have been using Google docs successfully in my classroom.
We were trying to use Skype with an astronaut from NASA but at the last moment he was busy with the shuttle flight and were not able to talk to him.
Last week at Teacher U technology blitz, I learnt about Edmodo. I liked it and in the coming school year will try and use it.
I have used Poll Everywhere and that is also a good tool to use with the students.
Next week I have a class on Diigo. Lets see what that has to offer. If it is easy to set up and use then I can try that out to.

Tool #5

I have put up work by a student using Voki. It is a simple text to speech tool. The students liked it because it was easy to use and was a fast one day project. With iMovies(mac books) and Stupeflix( net books) the students were able to make longer projects. The kids had a blast with Blabberize also.

Friday, June 10, 2011

In the Cloud #4 tool

I have been using Google Apps with my students constantly last year. I liked the ease of working with google docs. The students also were happy to have a place to keep all their documents in one place. Collaboration with other students was easy

Tool #3

I liked a lot of sites. Science information was easily found on Discovery Science, Youtube, Teachertube. Blinks was also a cool site. It was easy to embed a video. I used Tube Chop to snip of a video also. So now I do not have to show the whole clip to the students.
Copyright material is O.K to use by teachers, from my understanding. But there are are a lot of if's involved.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


In the second tool there was a lot of information. There are so many blogs and websites that talk about PLN. By expanding the network with fellow teachers, it makes us see a different perspective altogether.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

11 Tools for the 21st Century Learners

Today I made my own blog. I am very excited about this. I made a voki and was able to embed it to my blog.